What is a U visa?

U non-immigrant status, commonly called the “U visa,” is for victims of certain serious physical crimes in the U.S. and are helpful in the investigation and prosecution of the crime. Certain family members, such as spouses and children of adult victims and parents/siblings of minor victims, can also apply for U status based on their relationship to the principal applicant (the crime victim). People who are approved for U status receive work authorization and can hold U status for up to 4 years. After 3 years with U status, a person can apply for permanent residency.

Who is eligible for a U visa?

Only certain types of crimes are considered qualifying crimes for a U visa. Typically, these crimes are crimes to the person like aggravated assault (armed robbery, for example), domestic violence, or sexual assault. If you are the victim of a crime, it is important that you report the crime to the police and cooperate with law enforcement to the extent required of you by the police/prosecutor. Once you have reported the crime to the police, please obtain a copy of the police report and call Martinez Immigration Law at 816-491-8105 to schedule a consultation. Don’t forget to bring your police report copy to the appointment so that the Martinez Immigration Law legal team can analyze your eligibility for U status.